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UO03010 Consumption of oil in tonnes by consumer groups (1992-2023)



Høgni P. Vilhelm
The Oil Companies and SEV
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Consumption of oil in tonnes by consumer group, year and oil

This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in PxWeb. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.

Saved query c963dfec-4a03-4250-a9ec-91b4d4e33ab1
Fixed start time point and all newer time periods
Symbols: -  Nil (exactly zero)
0  Rounded to zero
 •  Not applicable
 ••  Not available or too uncertain
 ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected

Consumption of oil is based on sales figures from the oil companies (Magn and EFFO) and the consumption of SEV.
Faroese ships bunkering abroad are not included. As well as foreign ships bunkering in the Faroe Islands are not included
POST the following JSON query to the URL below to access this table from your application.