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AM01090 Labour force, historical figures (1834-1977)

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Maria Heen
number and per cent
Statistics Faroe Islands:
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Selected 0 of total 4

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0  Rounded to zero
 •  Not applicable
 ••  Not available or too uncertain
 ••• Not disclosed, confidentiality/privacy protected
Historical labour force figures
The source to the historical labour force are census records from 1834 to 1977. The first population census in the Faroe Islands took place in 1801, however, it did not include labour force status. The following census took place in year 1834 and thereafter every 5-10 years. The census records include information on all household members, and the historical labour force figures are made up of the records that include labour force status, economic activity and age and sex. The census records that are exluded due to missing labour force status are listed below. The original population census records, which were carried out by Statistics Denmark, are preserved at the Danish National Archives.
Census records, which are not included in this table:
1801: The labour force status was not covered.
1901: The labour force status is not deemed reliable.
1906: The labour force status was not covered.
1916: The labour force status was not covered.
1925: The labour force status was not covered.
1935: The labour force status was not covered.
1955: The labour force status was not covered.


The population is people aged 15 years or older and resident in The Faroe Islands. A person in the historical labour force figures is considered in employment when registered as having produced goods for own final use, or having worked for pay or profit. Those persons not registered as such are considered the inactive population. The inactive population are found by substracting the number of children and people in employment from the total population. The age threshold for children is set to be under 15 years in accordance with the International Labour Organisation (ILO).


The income of the employed is linked to an economic activity. As the economic activities and/or occupational groups are different across the different census recordings, they are grouped into three main sectors of activity. This data makes it possible to see the historical distribution of the economic activity in the Faroe Islands.


The sex is not available and thus recorded as “unknown” before year 1855 and also in years 1870 and 1890. For remaining years it is possible to divide economic activity and labour force status between men and women.


Primary sector

is divided in to Agriculture (A01), Forestry (A02) and Fishing (A.03.1), which are compatible with statistics from EUROSTAT. Forestry, however, is empty in all the records.

Secondary sector

e.g. craft, trade, industry and production.

Tertiary sector

e.g. teachers, ministers, the authorities, researchers, traders, in transportation and medical practioners.


is unknown occupation and activity.



Source: Census 18 August 1834, in Statistisk Tabelværk bd. I, 6, Folketælling på Færøerne 1834
The census this year divides the population in to 10-year age groups. The age group 11 to 20 years has been split in to ten equally large shares in order to distinguish the population of 15 years and older from the children.
”Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive.


Source: Census 24 June 1840, in Statistisk Tabelværk bd. I, 10, Folketælling på Færøerne 1846
”Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 24 June 1845, in Statistisk Tabelværk bd. I, 10, Folketælling på Færøerne 1846
”Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 February 1850, in Statistiske Meddelelser, 1, 3, 3, Folketælling på Færøerne 1855
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 October 1855, in Statistiske Meddelelser, 1, 3, 3, Folketælling på Færøerne 1855
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 October 1860, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 56, 4, Sammendrag af Statistiske oplysninger om Færøerne, Statistics Denmark 1918
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 October 1870, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 56, 4, Sammendrag af Statistiske oplysninger om Færøerne, Statistics Denmark 1918
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 February 1880, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 56, 4, Sammendrag af Statistiske oplysninger om Færøerne, Statistics Denmark 1918
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 February 1890, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 56, 4, Sammendrag af Statistiske oplysninger om Færøerne, Statistics Denmark 1918
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 February 1911, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 56, 4, Sammendrag af Statistiske oplysninger om Færøerne, Statistics Denmark 1918
'Tyende” (servants living in the household) are considered inactive


Source: Census 1 February 1921, in Statistisk Tabelværk 5, 16, Folketællingen i Kongeriget Danmark, Statistics Denmark 1925
”Husgerning” (housework) are considered inactive.


Source: Census 5 November 1930, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 94, Færøerne, Befolknings- og erhvervsforhold 1925-32, Statistics Denmark 1933
”Husgerning” (housework) are considered inactive.


Source: Census 31 December 1945, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 173, Færøerne, Befolkningsforholdene 1941-55, Statistics Denmark 1959
”Husmedhjælp” (domestic help) are considered inactive.


Source: Census 31 December 1950, in Statistiske Meddelelser 4, 173, Færøerne, Befolkningsforholdene 1941-55, Statistics Denmark 1959
”Husmedhjælp” (domestic help) are considered inactive.


Source: Folke- og boligtælling på Færøerne 26.09.1960, Statistics Denmark
”Fremmed hushjælp” (foreign domestic help) are considered inactive.


Source: Folke- og boligtælling på Færøerne 01.04.1966, Statistics Denmark
”Fremmed hushjælp” (foreign domestic help) are considered inactive.


Source: Folke- og boligtælling på Færøerne 16.11.1970, Statistics Denmark
”Husgerning for fremmede” (housework for strangers) are considered inactive.


Source: Folke- og boligtælling på Færøerne 22.09.1977, Statistics Denmark
”Husassistent” (maid) are considered inactive.