Statistical Database
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Environment and energy
Population and elections
Labour and wages
Labour force, survey
Labour force, register data
Wages (Pay as you earn), register data
LON01010 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, main activity, sex, value mode and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01020 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, long-term residency, citizenship, sex and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01021 Wages (expenditure) by main activity, long-term residency, citizenship, sex and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01025 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, main activity, employee's region of residence and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01026 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, main activity, employee's municipality of residence and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01030 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, age and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01031 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, main activity, age group and month (1985M01-2024M12)
LON01035 Wages (expenditure) by institutional sector, generation and month (1985M01-2024M12)
Median and quantiles
Discontinued tables
Prices and income
Culture and religion
Social affairs
Justice and police
Transport and communication
Ecomomic activities
International trade
Business statistics
Research, development and innovation
Money and credit market
Public finance
National accounts
Tendency surveys
Census 2011
Sustainable Development Goals
Statistics in development