Statistical Database
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Environment and energy
Population and elections
Labour and wages
Prices and income
Culture and religion
Social affairs
Justice and police
Transport and communication
Ecomomic activities
Discontinued tables
VV01060 Total catch in live weight by fishing zones and species (1990-2023)
VV01061 Total catch in live weight by fishing zones and species (2019-2023)
VV01070 Foreign catch in Faroese waters, tonnes live weight by species and countries (2005-2023)
VV01502 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species group, fishing gear and fishing zone (2015 Jan-2020 Dec)
VV01514 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, fishing gear, fishing zone and months (2015-2020)
VV01515 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, fishing gear and fishing zone (2015 Jan-2020 Dec)
VV01516 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, fishing gear, size and months (2015-2020)
VV01517 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, fishing gear and size (2015 Jan-2020 Dec)
VV01518 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, size, fishing zone and months (2015-2020)
VV01519 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, size and fishing zone (2015 Jan-2020 Dec)
VV01520 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, size, vesselgroup and months (1997-2020)
VV01521 Fish catches in tonnes and value by species, size, vesselgroup and months (1997 Jan-2020 Dec)
Whale hunts
Inspection and rescue
International trade
Business statistics
Research, development and innovation
Money and credit market
Public finance
National accounts
Tendency surveys
Census 2011
Sustainable Development Goals
Statistics in development